January 31, 2015

Mango-Tofu Partyboats

These little salad boats are perfect for a party because you can easily eat them with your hands! They are a little different than your usual salad and will definitely delight!

Ingredients (about 9 boats):
  • 1 chicory
  • 200g tofu
  • 1/2 mango
  • 40g scallions (green onion)
  • 90g white almond butter
  • 2 tsp. curry
  • 1 tsp. white wine vinegar
  • sea salt
  • handful of spicy potato chips (chili or red pepper)

  1. Mix almond butter, curry and vinegar in a bowl and salt to taste.
  2. Wash the green onions and cut into rings. Add almost all of them to the curry sauce.
  3. Peel mango and cut into cubes. Cut tofu into cubes as well. Add mango and tofu to the curry sauce.
  4. Wash and try chicory leaves. Place some of the curry sauce on top and decorate with the remaining onions as well as crumbs of the chips. Et voilà!

German recipe:

Zutaten (ca. 9 Schiffchen):
  • 1 Chicorée
  • 200g Tofu natur
  • 1/2 Mango
  • 40g Frühlingszwiebeln
  • 90g weißes Mandelmuß
  • 2 TL Curry
  • 1TL Weißweinessig
  • Meersalz
  • Handvoll Paprika-Kartoffelchips
  1. Mandelmuß, Curry & Essig in einer Schüssel verrühren und mit Salz abschmecken.
  2. Frühlingszwiebeln waschen und schräg in Ringe schneiden. Fast alles davon in die Currysauce geben.
  3. Mango schälen und würfeln. Tofu ebenfalls würfeln. Beides zur Sauce geben.
  4. Chicorée waschen und trocknen. Dann die Sauce daraufgeben und mit den restlichen Frühlingszwiebeln sowie Chips-Bröseln garnieren. Et voilà!

January 29, 2015

Piña Colada Smoothie

Good morning!! :) One way to start the day off right is with a vitamin-packed smoothie! This Piña Colada smoothie is not only filled with loads of healthy fruits and seeds, but also tastes like a tropical vacation.


  • 1/2 pineapple
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 mango
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. chia seeds
  • a little bit of water
Mix everything in a blender! :D

January 27, 2015

Curry-Coconut-Cream Cauliflower

This is a quick and easy recipe for a side dish with a twist. You can serve it with potatoes for instance for a simple dinner, and it makes the cauliflower a little more exciting! :)

I adapted the recipe from Attila Hildmann's book "Vegan To Go" that has some great recipes!


  • 1 cauliflower
  • 300 ml coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 30g cashew cream
  • 2 tsp. curry
  • 1 onion
  • 1 mini chili pepper
  • 2 tbsp. almond plates
  • sea salt

  1. Peel and cut the onion, grind the chili pepper, and roast both in 1 tbsp. coconut oil in a pan.
  2. Add curry and roast for another minute. Add coconut milk and cashew cream, and salt to taste.
  3. Cut the cauliflower and boil in salted water for 3 minutes, then drain.
  4. Roast the cauliflower in the remaining coconut oil in a pan for about 5 minutes.
  5. Roast the almond plates in a pan without oil for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Mix the cauliflower and the sauce and sprinkle with almond plates. Enjoy!

German recipe:

  • 1 Blumenkohl
  • 300 ml Kokosmilch
  • 2 EL Kokosöl
  • 30g Cashewmuß
  • 2 TL Curry
  • 1 Zwiebel
  • 1 mini Chilischote
  • 2 EL Mandelblättchen
  • Meersalz
  1. Zwiebel schälen & schneiden, die Chilischote mahlen oder hacken, und beides in einer Pfanne in 1 EL Kokosöl anbraten. 
  2. Curry hinzugeben und eine weitere Minute anbraten. Nun die Kokosmilch und das Cashewmuß dazugeben und nach Belieben salzen. 
  3. Blumenkohl schneiden und 3 Minuten im Salzwasser ankochen, dann abgießen. 
  4. Nun den Blumenkohl noch in 1 EL Kokosöl in einer Pfanne etwa 5 Minuten anbraten. 
  5. Die Mandelblättchen in einer Pfanne für 2-3 Minuten rösten. 
  6. Blumenkohl mit der Soße mixen, dann mit Mandelblättchen garnieren. Guten Appetit!

January 26, 2015

Sweet Potato Chips

These sweet potato chips are a wonderful snack or side dish! They are crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside, and are sweet and salty at the same time!
Sometimes I just make them at night and munch on them instead of having dinner :)

1 sweet potato
1 tbsp. olive oil
sea salt

1. Peel the potato and cut it into thin slices.
2. Layer the slices in a baking pan, sprinkle some oil on them as well as sea salt to taste.
3. Bake them in the oven at around 200°C (392°F) for an hour, turning them once, so they get crisp from both sides.

German recipe:

1 Süßkartoffel
1 EL Olivenöl

1. Kartoffel schälen und in dünne Scheiben schneiden.
2. Die Scheiben in einer Backform übereinanderlegen und mit etwas Öl und Salz beträufeln.
3. Im Ofen bei 200°C für etwa eine Stunde backen, dazwischen einmal wenden, damit sie von beiden Seiten kross werden.

January 23, 2015

"Happiness Salad" with Quinoa, Orange & Peanut Tofu

This salad really makes me happy! Hence, the name. There is so much goodness in it and it looks incredibly pretty on top of that! So if you're having a bad day, give it a try because this salad can definitely pick you up!

German recipe:

January 21, 2015

Vietnamese Summer Rolls "Pink Mint"

Here it is! My heavily anticipated first recipe. ;)

And I chose something special. Meaning, particularly hard to make (at least when making it for the first time). I decided to make summer rolls. And I went a little crazy.


For the Spicy Peanut Dip:
90g peanut butter (1/3 cup)
2 cloves garlic (I used one that was pickled in chili oil)
1cm piece of ginger
1 mini dried chili (spicy)
2 tbsp. maple syrup
2 tbsp. lime juice
80ml water (add to taste)

For the rolls (about 6):
1 package vermicelli (glass noodles)
rice wrapping paper
1/3 cucumber
1 carrot
1 avocado
bamboo sprouts
purple cress (if you can find it- makes the rolls look cooler and adds spice)
(if you like, also kale)

For "Pink Mint" rolls, add:
some beetroot juice + a few slices of pickled beet
mint leaves
(if that is too crazy for you, just use the vegetables listed above, but I would recommend you to try something new!)


Spicy Peanut Dip:
1. Chop the garlic & ginger, if you like sauté it in sesame oil to bring out more flavor
2. Mix all ingredients in a blender, adding water at the end until you are happy with the texture

+ as a second sauce I use the Sweet Chili Sauce you can buy at the grocery store

Summer Rolls "Pink Mint":
1. Prepare the vermicelli (soak them in boiling water for a few minutes)
2. Cut the vegetables into sticks
3. Soak the first rice wrapping paper in hot water, then spread it out on a clean surface
4. Place a handful of vermicelli in the middle, then color them with the beetroot juice, so they turn pink. Add the other vegetables and herbs to form a pile
5. Now fold the rice paper to close the roll, and it is important to roll them tight! (But be careful not to rip the paper) I first folded the lower half upwards, then the sides inwards and lastly the upper part downwards (if that makes any sense). In the end it doesn't matter, as long as the rolls are tightly closed.
6. Cut the rolls in half for easier handling. Enjoy!

My conclusion: I am not a fan of food that is hard to eat. I just don't like having to focus more on how I eat something than what I am eating. And the rice paper still grosses me out just a little too much. So I probably won't be eating summer rolls again for a little while…But maybe you like them better? If you tried my recipe, what did you think?

German recipe:


Für die Erdnusssoße:
90g Erdnussbutter
2 Knoblauchzehen (ich habe einen benutzt, der in Chiliöl eingelegt war)
1 cm Stück Ingwer
1 Mini Chilischote (scharf)
2 EL Ahornsirup
2 EL Limettensaft
80ml Wasser (nach Belieben)

Für die Sommerrollen (ca. 6):
1 Packung Glasnudeln
1/3 Gurke
1 Karotte
1 Avocado
lila Rettich Kresse

Für "Pink Mint" Rollen, hinzufügen:
etwas eingelegte rote Beete & Saft


1. Knoblauch & Ingwer hacken, eventuell kurz in Sesamöl anbraten
2. Alle Zutaten in einem Mixer pürieren, das Wasser am Ende nach Belieben hinzugeben, bis die gewünschte Textur erreicht ist

+ als zweite Soße nehme ich süße Chilisoße aus dem Supermarkt

Sommerrollen "Pink Mint":
1. Die Glasnudeln vorbereiten (ein paar Minuten in kochendem Wasser einweichen)
2. Das Gemüse stifteln/ schneiden
3. Das erste Reispapier einige Sekunden in heißem Wasser einweichen und dann auf einer sauberen Fläche ausbreiten
4. Darauf in der Mitte eine Handvoll Glasnudeln platzieren und mit Saft der roten Beete färben. Vom Gemüse und den Kräutern etwas auf die Glasnudeln legen
5. Jetzt das Reispapier falten, um die Rolle zu schließen- dabei ist es wichtig, dass ihr sie so fest wie möglich rollt, ohne dabei das Papier zu zerreißen. Ich habe zuerst die untere Hälfte nach oben gefaltet, dann die Seiten nach innen und dann die obere Hälfte nach unten.
6. Die Rolle halbieren, damit sie leichter zu essen ist. Guten Appetit!